Core Values



  1. 神是良善與信實的。
  2. 耶穌基督是引領門徒到神一切豐盛的中保、道路及典範、模式。
  3. 聖靈引導神的兒子進入一切的真實與永生。
  4. 凡事高舉神並專注祂的臨在。
  5. 神至今仍然說話,祂的話(寫的和說的)轉化人的生命。
  6. 耶穌基督供應永不衰殘的恩典給憑信心支取的門徒,成為一個得勝者。
  7. 建立健康的家庭與教會(神的家)。
  8. 在愛裡跟隨神、事奉神,擴張神的國度。
  9. 大使命:『使萬民作主門徒』就是完成大誡命。
  10. 像聖父、聖子、聖靈合而為一尊榮神,也被尊榮。

152 Core Values

From the viewpoint that Jesus Christ is the corner stone to build the church as well as the first disciple & apostle of kingdom of Heaven sent by the Holy Father :

  1. God is good and faithful.
  2. Jesus Christ is the mediator, the way, the apotheosis and role model of disciples to the fullness of God.
  3. Holy Spirit guides the sons of God into all truth and eternal life.
  4. Exalt God in all things and focus on His presence.
  5. God is still speaking and His words (written and spoken) transform disciples.
  6. Jesus Christ supplies unfailing grace for disciple who ask by faith to be a overcomer.
  7. Create God's house :healthy families and church .
  8. Follow and serve God in love to advance the His kingdom.
  9. To complete the great commission: making His disciples of all nations is the fulfillment of the great commandment.
  10. Oneness as Holy Father, Son, and Spirit is to glorify God and to be glorified.